skin care

Your guide to a great skin care routine

Perfecting a skin care routine that works for your skin can feel incredibly daunting. There are so many products out there. In which order should you use them? Do you really need them all? And are they right for your skin? This blog will help you make the right choices for your skin care routine….

dna test

Why have a DNA test with Healthy Influence?

Are you completely sure that your body is getting all of the vitamins and nutrients it needs to thrive? Are you feeling rundown because your diet isn’t quite delivering what you need but you’re not sure what gaps need filling? There is a solution — an IDLife Personalised Vitamin Assessment. This comprehensive assessment includes a…


How to help your children stay a healthy weight

Children who are a healthy weight enjoy healthier lives with fewer health problems in later life. They often enjoy better fitness, self-confidence and emotional wellbeing compared with children who are under- or overweight. That’s why if your child is a healthy weight, it’s important to support them in remaining that way as they grow and…


Treat your body to these superfoods

Superfood is a pop culture term that refers to nutrient-rich foods. These foods have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. None of them alone are a cure-all for disease or ill-health but taken together as part of a healthy, balanced diet, these foods can help your body get all the nutrients it…


10 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Diabetes

Around one in 10 Americans has diabetes and for most of them, it’s type 2 diabetes. This disease causes levels of sugar in your blood to stay high after eating, which can wreak havoc with almost every part of your body, from your kidneys and heart to your nerves and eyes.  Types 2 diabetes doesn’t…


How to help lower your blood pressure without medication

Everyone knows that exercise is great for your health but it also specifically targets your blood pressure. Regular exercise helps lower blood pressure if you already have high blood pressure (hypertension) and also reduces your risk of developing hypertension in the first place. So how does it do it? And how much should you exercise? …


Why drinking water is great for your body

Up to 60% of your body is made of water. So it’s no surprise that water is an essential nutrient for your body to stay healthy. Staying hydrated is a must as your body is constantly losing water through breathing, sweat, urine and faeces. When you lose more water than you take in, your body…


Walk a mile in your own shoes: how walking can keep you healthy

We all know how important it is to keep fit but getting in at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week, as per Government guidelines, can be a challenge. However, you don’t need to join a gym, take up a sport or join a fitness class — all you need to do to…


Get FREE samples of our favorite product!

Why your weight loss isn’t working… Wouldn’t it be dreamy if you could just lose weight by waving a magic wand? Weight loss ploys that claim you can drop inches without changing your habits just aren’t true. The reality is, 98% of diets FAIL & the typical dieter will make FOUR attempts at weight loss…


We’re Seeing a Revolution!

I cannot tell you how excited I was to be part of this years celebration of all things ID Life at Revolution 2021 with so many other associates – the atmosphere was simply amazing and the new products… well, more about them later! I thought I would share a few photos of me and the…


Hand sanitizer — what’s all the fuss about?

How often do you touch your face in an hour? You might be surprised by the answer. Researchers revealed that we touch our faces over 20 times every hour. And that’s why hand sanitizer is so important.  Just think of the different germs you encounter in a single day, from when you touch door handles,…


Sleep well with these bedtime do’s and dont’s

If you’ve ever had a rough night’s sleep, you’ll know just how important sleep is to enjoy a productive day. A good night’s sleep allows your brain and body to recharge for the day ahead. But for something so vital to healthy living, there are lots of different ways your quality of sleep can take…